Bunkering procedure
untuk memahami aktual dan rincian praktis dari proses pengisian bahan
bakar minyak yg akan di muat ke kapal kita wajib mengikuti tahapan
tahapan yg baik
Pengisian minyak
bisa di lakukan di pelabuhan minyak, seperti pertamina, atau bunker
barge/tanker atau dgn mobil truck. kalau di singapore hampir kebanyakan
kapal kapal menerima minyak via bunker barge dan untuk kapal kapal kecil
seperti tug boat dan sebagainya via kura kura ninja ( ini hanya julukan
yg di buat sama anak anak pelaut indonesia) dia bunker barge juga cuma
kecil dan terbuat dari kayu dan cukup besar kapal kayunya. biasa di
sebut ST . singapore adalah salah satu negara yg mempunyai quality
control management yang baik, salah satu bunker documentation yg biasa
akan kita terima adalah
- pre delivery safety checkist
- bunker requisition form
- non cargo tank declaration/inspection form
- tank gauging/calculation
- bunker delivery note
Semua jenis kapal
apanpun pasti membutuhan bahan bakar minyak,(FO, Lube oil dll )dan
oleh karena itu adalah sangat penting bagi setiap awak kapal untuk
memahami proses pengisian bahan bakar yg sebenarnya
Pra-persiapan pengisian bahan bakar.
System permintaan minyak
Sebelum kita meng
order minyak atau istilahnya requesting for bunkering fuel oil. Chief
engineer harus berkonsultasi ke Capt. Agar dapat mengetahui jumlah
minyak, berapa banyak minyak yg di butuhkan untuk pelayaran berikutnya.
Dgn menetahui jarak tempu pelayaran dan mengetahui konsumsi bahan bakar
per hari maka kita dapat menghitung jumlah bahan bakar tsb. Yg dapat di
terima oleh tanki tangki yg tersedia di atas kapal jadi perlu diproses
dan di evaluasi sebelum mengirim permintaan ke kantor
stelah menerima bunker minyak. Engineer harus mengambil sample minyak
untuk di kirim ke kantor pusat untuk di analisa di laboratorium minyak,
untuk mengetahui komposisi dan kondisi dari minyak tsb.
Pre-Bunker Checklist:
Pre-Bunkering Procedure:
1. State of adjacent waters noticed
2. Vessel properly secured to dock
3. Check suppliers product corresponds to ordered product
4. Agree quantity to be supplied
5. Check valves open
6. Day tanks full and supply valves closed
7. Warning signs in position e.g. No Smoking
8. SOPEP plan available
9. Clean up material in place
10. Oil Boom in place
11. Foam fire extinguisher placed at bunker station
12. Alfa Laval and transfer pumps off
13. Fuel tank supply valves open
14. Agree stop/start signals between vessel and barge/truck
15. Bravo flag flying/red light showing
16. Agree pumping/transfer rate
17. Agree emergency shut down procedure
18. Specification sheet received
19. Check hose and couplings are secure and in good order
20. Fuel nozzle and hose secured to vessel
21. Check barge/truck meters Reading:
22. Check on board meters Reading:
23. Bunker Valve open
24. Unused manifold connections blanked off
25. Master informed
26. Signal pumping to commence
Daftar checklist di atas harus di isi dgn benar oleh masinis kapal dan bunker barge (masinis) sebelum bunker fuel di mulai
Perlengkapan alat alat SOPEP
Untuk mencegah terjadinya tumpahan minyak pada bunker manifold, harus
di siapkan peralatan sesuai SOPEP, yg di simpan dan siap sedia di
gunakan jika keadaan darurat (oil spill)
SOPEP- Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.
The SOPEP Locker must have minimum of the below specified items:
1. absorbent roll
2. absorbent pads
3. absorbent granules
4. absorbent materials
5. brooms
6. shovels
7. mops
8. scoops
9. empty receptacles (200 ltrs capacity)
10. portable air driven pumps
11. oil boom
12. oil spill dispersants.
These items must be stowed in an easily accessible locker,
clearly marked, and is to be brought on deck ready for immediate use,
prior to all oil transfer operations.
Selama pengisian bahan bakar Procedure harus di ikuti dan
di jalankan dgn baik. Perwira dan masinis kapal harus mengikuti
checklist yg ada di atas kapal.
During Bunkering checklist:
1. Witness taking and sealing of 2 representative product samples
2. Monitor fuel connections for leaks fuel flow and control tank levels
3. Change over of tanks whenever necessary.
4. Checking the rate at which bunkers are received.
5. Checking the tightness/slackness of mooring ropes.
6. Checking trim/list of the bunker barge & the ship.
7. Continuous monitoring/look outs for the vessel’s position(when at anchor).
During bunkering, the above checklist must be filled up and
continuous monitoring of the above secified items are required till the
bunkering operation is complete.
setelah bunker
selesai, slang minyak yg di pakai harus di blow dengan angin agarsemua
minyak yg tersisa bisa keluar dari dalam slang minyak, tujuannya untuk
mencega tumpahan minyak saat manifold di buka
After Bunker Checklist:
1. Bunker Valve closed
2. Disconnect hose (drain before disconnecting)
3. Check barge/truck meter Reading:
4. Check ships meter Reading:
5. Sign Bunker Delivery Receipt BDR No.:(Bunker Delivery Report/Note).
6. Retain BDR with product sample
7. SOPEP plan returned to bridge
8. Clean up gear stowed / Oil boom returned
9. Bravo Flag/Red light stowed/switched off
10. Remove and pack away warning/safety signs
11. Foam fire extinguisher placed back in correct location
12. Complete Oil Record Book
13. Master informed of completion
14. Confirm in Oil Record Book Bunkering checklist completed
Quantity Calculation & Temperature-Density Correction:
After bunkering of various fuel oil tanks, the quantity in
each bunkered tank must be calculated to cross-check whether the
received quantity of oil matches the requisition. For calculating the
quantity, “sounding” of the tanks which are “bunkered” must be taken.
The “Density” of the fuel oil supplied vary from place to place. It also
varies with the temperature. As a thumb rule, the density of fuel oil
decreases with increase in temperature. So, when the oil is supplied at a
higher temperature, then the volume of oil supplied is less than what
is supplied at lesser temperature.
Oil Temperature ———–Density ————Volume Of Oil Supplied
Increases———————- Decreases————-Lesser
Decreases———————- Increases ————-More
Also the formula which is generally used for temperature-density correction is as follows:
MT= {(t1-15)*0.00065}*volume of oil in m^3. where MT stands
for metric tonnes. t1 stands for temperature of oil in bunker tanks in
degree celcius, 0.00065 is the correction factor,
volume of oil in m^3, is obtained from the sounding table.
General Safeties During Bunkering:
SOPEP locker,
Emergency shut-down arrangements,
Bunker line over-flow arrangements to overflow tank with audible & visual alarm,
Relief valve in the bunker line,
Containment trays.
Consistent & Continuous look outs.
Thus bunkering operation is directly related to “MARPOL”
annexes, i.e annex 1 and annex 6. When oil is spilled it causes marine
pollution under annex 1. When the bunkered oil doesn’t meet certain
specifications, it causes pollution of air which comes under annex 6.
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